Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Week 5 of Project Leap of Faith

Welcome to Project Leap of Faith week fi- Wait a second. Week FIVE???? like, 5???? Nononononono, time is NOT supposed to do that. Like yesterday I was writing week 1… *sobs hysterically*

My time here has been INCREDIBLE. I could never ask for better family-away-from-family, and all of the new friend I’ve met. I’ve experienced family reunions, birthday parties, weddings. I’ve met other girls who are so much like me, and girls who are my opposite (yet we just somehow *click*).
Rashida and Jack are Officially Married!

This past Saturday was my dear friend Rashida’s wedding. After several rainy days leading up to the wedding, we woke up to stunning blue skies and a cool breeze. Everything was beautiful. The bride was beyond stunning. The vows were sweet and strong. And the reception… The dancing was amazing. I have never danced as much as I did Saturday night. It was midnight before we sent the bride and groom off.  It was so perfect, so beautiful, and definitely an unforgettable experience. I made so many new friends, one in particular I grew close to, even though we didn’t have a lot of time together. If you’d like to meet Keturah, check out her blog !
I was doing the math today, and I have 3 weeks and 3 days before I'm supposed to go home. I don't know how I'll be able to handle it. It will definitely be VERY hard. Today at work, I made Prayer Boxes for Mrs. Campbell's next retreat. I'm hoping to start working on a blog post about Prayer Boxes and how to make them (with pictures!) soon. It's super fun, and would be such a special craft to make with your whole family. (:

Well I'm off for now! About to start on a new blog series that was inspired by a post that I found Here (:

See you for now! Xoxo, Shelby

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