Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Week 6 of Project Leap of Faith

Here we are at week 6. You know how I was complaining about how little time I had here, and how I wish I had more time? My wish has been granted by God! He saw my desire, and He has blessed me with the opportunity to stay another two weeks! I’m so excited!

This past week has been somewhat adventurous. I’ve continued making prayer boxes, made Watermelemonade Slush (Note that I did tweak the recipe a smidge-stevia in place of sugar, no mint, and I froze until slushy style!) for the munchkins, drank too much Good Girl Moonshine and played with big kittens. ALSO, THAT LITTLE CAT THAT I FELL IN LOVE WITH HERE HAD HER KITTENS YESTERDAY!!! Four tiny, furry little jelly beans of cuteness! (Yes. I will get a photo as soon as Little Mommy Shadow feels comfortable with me coming near them.)

It’s been quite rainy the past few days, but not too rainy to enjoy the life of a Rubies Girl! We’ve been staying busy (and trying to stay out of trouble haha!)

I’m sorry this post is going to be so short, But there’s so much I still have to finish! I have 6 BLOG POSTS WAITING FOR INTERNET TO POST. JUST 1 MORE DAY GUYS!

Haha I’ll post up a special one just for you guys tomorrow (:

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