Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Dear God.... An Open Letter to God

Dear God, 
I want to start by thanking You for all the things You bless me with on a daily basis: the blue skies, sunshine, sunsets, starry nights, lightning bugs. I thank You for my vision, my hearing, my touch, my smell, my taste. Jesus I thank You for the punishment You took for me on that cross 2,000 years ago, every whip lash, every spit and angry word that was directed towards You, every drive of that nail into Your Hand. I thank You for bearing every sin the world has ever carried, is carrying, and will carry on Your Shoulders. God I thank You, for turning Your Back on Your Son, to give me a life with You. You hold me up when I have a hard time standing in the storms of life, and You lead me gently back when I walk away from You. God, I thank You for knowing my name. I’m the scum of the earth, one of the scoffers in the crowd, I was holding that whip, but still You treasure me, and You adore me. 

God I don’t understand how You are able to love me with the amount of love that You do, but Mama says I will understand when I have children of my own. I don’t believe her, because I’m not the Creator of the Universe. I’m not the King of Kings. I’m not Pure, Merciful, Just, Kind, all beyond what words can describe. I will never be able to thank You enough Father. And I thank You for that.
I still don’t understand all of who You are God. I still don’t understand the complete fullness of what You have done for me since You created time. But I’m still learning. I thank You for giving me second chance after second chance, for making me realize You have me here for a purpose. God I thank You for constantly forgiving me, for holding me closer to You when I’m in deep anguish over the things I have done. I thank You for pricking my spirit, for showing me when I have gone against You. Father I thank You for constantly forgiving me.

I thank You for the precious family You have given me. I thank You for blessing me with parents who forgive my mistakes, who love me despite my wrong doings, who hold and love me when I need encouragement and training. I thank You for my brothers and sisters Father, and for protecting each one as they go through their day. I ask that You help them grow close to You each step of the way.
Last of all God, I thank You for every day. For every gift. For every person You bring into my life. I ask that You help me shine Your light wherever I go, that I may show others Your Love and free gift of salvation.

In all of these things I ask Your blessing Father God.



  1. Beautiful!!!!!! I've looked through your whole blog and love it! You should just set up a way for people to follow your blog through blogger or email or something :) love, love, love your posts!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm actually stille trying to figure out how to do all of the ins-and-outs of blogspot, but I will totes-mcgoats do that (: I'd love to have you guest post sometime! I love reading your articles!
