Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Why Is It So Hard to Pray? -Today's Soul Moment

Since starting Project Leap of Faith (yeah, I know, that’s all I talk about anymore. But hey, what can I say, I’m excited about it!) I’ve started reading this really good *devotional? instructional? I don’t know what you’d call it.* Anyway, I’ve started this book by Elizabeth George, called A Young Woman’s Call to Prayer, and let me tell you, it is amazing. One of the questions she asks is “what keeps you praying?” This really had me thinking. Here’s a few of my reasons to keep praying:

-Because God is my best Friend
-Because God wants to hear from me
-Because I want to hear God. It isn’t a one sided conversation; if we listen and give Him the time to respond, He WILL answer.

But how often will we give God the time He deserves? How often will we drop our daily to-do's (things like running errands, watching television, doing dishes, or whatever else we do) to spend some time in conversation with God? Basically, Why is it so hard to pray?      

I can tell you why. Because Satan doesn’t want you there, in the presence of Christ. He doesn’t want you feeling encouraged, feeling loved. He wants you to feel beaten down, lost, afraid, alone. He wants you to feel the exact opposite of how you feel when you are under the protection of Christ. So now the question is, Why do we allow Satan to step in and block God out of our minds? (Just so you all know, I’m asking myself these questions as I’m asking you.)

How many times have we started feeling sad about nothing, or maybe we remember something that hurt us, and we just let those feelings kind of envelope us until that’s all we could think about? Instead of turning to God and asking Him to hold us as we experienced those feelings, why did we sink down amongst them and become as sad as the feelings?

Because the flesh is corrupted, it is pretty much Satan’s tool until we have Christ in our hearts, purifying us and making us whole. Satan wants to use his tool against us. Dear ones, we have to fight against the enemy’s lies. We are blessed when we spend time in with Christ, and we lose out on that blessing by making other things more important than praying.

So what decision will we make today? Will we decide to start our day with the Armor that we receive by beginning with God? Just remember: You don't put on your armor in the middle of the battle. You put it on at the beginning.
May you have a blessed day!

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