Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Strengthen? Strengthen what? Strengthen who?
We as Christians should strengthen each other. We as women, we should be strengthening our families. By encouraging, we strengthen our parents, our brothers, our sisters, our friends. Each day, I will try to post what each letter in the word STRENGTHEN stands for us as young women.

Today's letter-S.
2 Chronicles 2:4
Ask yourself: is there anything in your home that is unclean, impure, ungodly? To start the strengthening in your home, you must purify your home of ungodly influences, be it music, television, books computer, whatever. Leviticus 8 tells us that God WANTS sanctification in our hearts and our home.
Are there idols in your home? Is there anything taking God's place in your heart and home? The first step in bringing encouragement to your family and home, is allowing God to take His rightful place in the Home: The very Center.

1 comment:

  1. Very good! It is always good to be reminded of these things. Keep writing these acrostics!

    And thank you for following Feminine Modesty.
