Thursday, November 28, 2013

It's the Holidays!

Happy Thanksgiving!
It's traditional in my family to have a large Thanksgiving feast. For the past few years, my family has spent the holiday here at home. My tradition I started about 2 years ago was my Gingerbread-crust Pumpkin Pie, a recipe I made myself. After tweaking an old Better Homes and Gardens pastry recipe, I finally got what I wanted: A delicious holiday masterpiece. The smells, the flavors, the look... It's all there! So, I'm going to share my recipe with you all! (My mom said we should try the gingerbread crust in a sweet potato pie-why not? :D )

2 C. flour (I used whole wheat)
1 Tsp. salt
1/3 C. organic sugar (Zulka sugar is wonderful!)
2/3 C. COLD butter or shortening
2 Tsp. Cinnamon
1 tsp. Ginger
1/2- 1 Tsp. Ground Cloves
6-7 Tbsp. COLD water

3/4 C sugar
1/2 Tsp. salt
1 Tsp cinnamon
1/2 Tsp ginger
1/4 Tsp cloves
2 LARGE eggs (or 3 small)
1 15 oz. can pumpkin (NOT pie filling)
1 12 oz. can evaporated milk
 Preheat oven to 425*

Starting with the crust:
Mix together all dry ingredients in a large bowl. You should be able to smell it already. :) Cut in the butter, until it's about the size of peas.



When you have achieved the pea-sized texture, add about 5 tablespoons of COLD water. (I suggest adding ice to your water when preparing your ingredients.) Use more, if needed.
This is what it should look like :)

I did a bad thing, and decided to mix the pastry with my hands. :/ NOT COOL. As soon as I realized I was, in fact, using my hands rather than a fork, I stuck the dough in the freezer for about 5 or 10 minutes.             After allowing the dough to get back to the right temperature, roll the pastry to about 1/4 in. thick. I know     that sounds a little too thick, but trust me. You want it slightly thicker.                                                             
 Press it into the pie pan, and make sure you get it in the corners. I trimmed the excess and made a rope-       style decorative crust. (Photo below)                                                                                                        

Now for the filling! I actually got the recipe off the back of a Libby's pie filling can, so yeah, no secret family recipe! Ha ha! :D
Adding the pumpkin...

And this is the consistency with evaporated milk!
Mix the sugar, salt, cinnamon, ginger, and cloves in a small bowl. Beat in the eggs. Add the pumpkin and evaporated milk SLOWLY so as to avoid a big mess. (The mixture tends to be very liquid-y.)  Pour the mixture into your pie shell, and if desired, add your crust/trim.
Filling's in and ready for the oven!

 BE CAREFUL WHEN TRANSPORTING TO THE OVEN. THE FILLING DOES SLOSH. :) Bake at 425* for 15 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 350*, baking for 40-50 minutes. 

And here it is! We just finished our feast, and guess what? The gingerbread crust was (yet again!) a hit! :)


  1. And aaaamazing looking. I've not heard of gingerbread crust b4 but it looks exquisite!

    1. Thank you, dear! :) Mom said it was really good. :)
