Friday, September 18, 2015

Sisters by Love!

A friend is someone who will be there when you call.
A sister is someone who will be there before you even knew you needed to call.

A friend is someone who thinks you're nothing but sweet.
A sister will tell someone right away how crazy you really are.

A friend is someone who will stand up for you.
A sister will rally all of her friends to teach the person who hurt you a lesson ;)

A friend is someone who will invite you on a girl date.
A sister is someone who will drag you all over town whether you want to be there or not.

A friend is someone who will be there in the tough times.
A sister is walking right there beside you every step of the way<3

So grateful for all of the girls who became my sisters the past two months!
Thank You Lord, for the incredible blessings You have poured into my life through these girls!

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