Friday, September 25, 2015

Blessed Are the Pure in Heart!

"Blessed are the pure in heart! For they SHALL SEE GOD."

What does it mean to be pure in heart? This verse in Matthew 5 is somewhat of a challenge, a dare to exam yourself and become who God made you to be through His love and grace.

Have you ever come to God in prayer and asked Him to empty you of everything? Every sin, every hurt, every person or relationship that comes between you and God? Lay it all at HIs feet, and ask HIm to keep in your life the things that truly matter, not the things that you want. Let me tell you, you won’t be taking anything back.

So what DOES it mean to be pure in heart?
Well, the Greek word for ‘pure’ (in this verse) is katharos, which means ‘clean, blameless, unstained from guilt’.
UNSTAINED from guilt. Now how do we achieve such an impossible feat? Pureness of heart comes from an outpouring of uncleanliness before Christ. When you pour all that is unholy and unrighteous out, and truly seek to single your heart out for Christ, a pure heart is capable.

Now the Greek word ‘heart’ used here is kardeeah. This word can not only mean your physical, anatomical heart, but also refers to the center of spiritual life, or the soul. From this place, the kardeeah of a person, comes thoughts, desires, the feelings of purpose and understanding, will, and character. So basically, to be pure in heart means to be blameless in who we are!

It is not a show of outward purity; rather, it is the act of inward pureness of the heart and soul that only Christ can see!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Sisters by Love!

A friend is someone who will be there when you call.
A sister is someone who will be there before you even knew you needed to call.

A friend is someone who thinks you're nothing but sweet.
A sister will tell someone right away how crazy you really are.

A friend is someone who will stand up for you.
A sister will rally all of her friends to teach the person who hurt you a lesson ;)

A friend is someone who will invite you on a girl date.
A sister is someone who will drag you all over town whether you want to be there or not.

A friend is someone who will be there in the tough times.
A sister is walking right there beside you every step of the way<3

So grateful for all of the girls who became my sisters the past two months!
Thank You Lord, for the incredible blessings You have poured into my life through these girls!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Week 10 of Project Leap of Faith

Week ten! You're here!
I actually am re-writing this post, even though I was completely ready to post the original one.
The problem? 
It was 

Yep. A big collection of complaints over how I hadn't been here long enough, how much I loved it here, etc etc.
When I proofread it, I couldn't believe how much I sounded like the Israelites! I wasn't being grateful and enjoying the blessings while I have them still, and rather than share about all the wonderful experiences God has so richly lavished on me, I COMPLAINED.
Shame. On. Me.

SO. Here is the revised post! Gone with the bad attitude, and I'll do all things without murmurings and disputings! (:

Friday night was, per usual, wonderful, because (as usual!) Lizzy and I spent it with the Allisons!

I also pierced Lizzy's nose. So now we're twinsies! :D

After we stayed up all hours of the night watching When Calls The Heart, (and screaming at the TV because it wasn't fair for the characters; I'm sure you guys understand!) we woke up bright and early Saturday morning and almost immediately started learning new songs on guitar.  On the walk home, we gathered bundles of ragweed and daisies (and some other beautiful flowers) to dry. I now have a beautiful little bouquet that will last for quite a while (:

Sunday was beyond incredible. The morning's service was given by renowned New Zealand preacher and good friend of the Campbell family, Mr. John Walton. He was speaking about the heart cry, and how when we pray, it should be a heart cry! It should be a deep, intimate moment with God, not a 5-minute prayer time. (Yes, it did impact me so much that I've started praying that way now.)
After church, some of us young people organized a game of Spoons. If I haven't mentioned it before, DO NOT PLAY SPOONS WITH CHERISH ALLISON. It can get violent. (The rug-burns on my elbows should be proof enough haha!) Despite the violence, the games were still very fun. At the end of the last game, Noble Barrett, Josiah Calhoon, and Cherish Allison were playing against each other. Cherish was working herself over, trying so hard to win. But Josiah and Noble had already won, and quietly slipped the two spoons into their possession. When Cherish finally had her four matching cards, she jumped forward to snatch a spoon... And found nothing. The look on her face was priceless, and we all had a good laugh at it. 
After we had cleaned up from lunch and finished preparing for Stephen and Auntie Vange's 50th birthday party, we all just kind of went wherever and did our own thing. We girls watched the guys play football and braided each other's hair, or found flowers to press. (Or stole the iPhones off the table and take random pictures with them.) 
When the party started, it was fantastic. There were so many families represented, and so many people. And the more people present, the more fun can be had! Josiah Calhoon taught me how to do a couple of new strumming patterns on guitar (You're welcome Mr. Steve! ~he's my guitar teacher~) and we talked music for a bit. Finally, someone who understood the hardships of being an adult and not having time to play music as much as one wanted! 
As the party drew to a close, a few of us young people went outside and played Midnight tag. As people were leaving and I said goodbye, it hurt and it was hard to think that I may never see some of these precious people ever again, but then I rejoice! As a dear friend of mine told me, I now have these memories and bonds to cherish for life.

I'm so grateful for God's incredible love and grace. I'm so grateful for the knowledge He gives me of His strength and power, for the ability to trust in Him alone.
So as I come to the end of the most amazing time in my whole life, I stop and I think. What if I had walked out that door? What if I had forsaken the way I'd been raised, and become nothing more than another sinner on the street. What if, what if, what if?
But because of grace, I don't have to say What If. Instead, I can say, By God's Grace, I'm Here Instead of There!!!!!!!
Praise be to God!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Week 9 of Project Leap of Faith

In the weeks that I've had in Primm Springs, Tennessee, I have made so many new friends and been blessed INCREDIBLY.

The time I got to spend with my family was absolutely amazing. I think the best parts of my time there was just hearing everyone talk. I loved the talking, the learning. Talking to my mom, my old pastor and his wife on Sunday, my grandparents. It was all so wonderful!

Back Row, L to R- Will, Me, Phillip and Emmaline, Jake(with the beard), Ben, Allie(holding a pic of CJ)
Front Row, L to R- Sam, Nick, Jesse, and Gwen

I'm also excited to introduce the newest partner in crime, Lizzy!
Aren't we absolutely gorgemous?

Lizzy is the new Rubies girl we welcomed last Tuesday (8/1), and lemme tell ya. She is a blessing times ten trillion!!! My hope and prayer for her is that she will be as strengthened and blessed as I have been!

I've been really struggling as I see this chapter coming to a close in my life. I don't want to leave this amazing life, full of new adventures, a new family, and the constant closeness of the Lord. But as it says in Ecclesiastes 3, there's a time for everything in its season.

Falling in love with a whole lifestyle- a routine, a relationship with the Lord like none I've ever had before, friends who have become my family- is not what I expected in coming up here. I've loved the structure, the busyness, the fun that shines in every corner of this life. It will be a hard day waking up in that lovely dorm for the last time, walking out the front door for the last time, leaving the driveway for the last time. I don't think one knows the pain of leaving until they've fallen in love. Little did I know you could fall in love with a whole town!

When I speak of love, I don't mean romance. I'm speaking of the kind of love you feel within a family, the accepting love. The same love Christ bestows upon us has been show to me in the short time I've been here, and is definitely reciprocated.

So what kind of love does Christ show us? What is its definition?

Yeah, you all knew I was going to use this verse didn't you? ;)

This love is patient. Have you noticed that when we, in out stubborn human flesh, walk away from God and pursue things that we want, God never leaves us? He is always standing there, putting that nudge in our spirit, urging us back to Him. He is always putting someone in our path to draw us closer to Him. If you don't feel like God is doing that, you better start praying He'll open your eyes to see the needs right next to you!

This love is kind. God is constantly pouring out His blessings on us, even though we have all sinned and do not even come close to deserving anything He pours into our lives. Just think about that! He is constantly spoiling us, so richly and deeply, and we barely manage a weak 'thank You' to Him!

This love isn't proud or rude or self seeking. God doesn't think He's too good for you; He laid down His life for you. He isn't self-seeking; God treasures you, He holds your worth higher than the most precious gems!

This love isn't easily angered. God was the Creator of patience, remember. (But please don't use this as an excuse to stay in the same sin forever!) He is so patient and gentle with you, guiding you when you fall, and keeping you in His Hand.

This love doesn't hold your mistakes over you, or define you by what you've done. If you have accepted Christ's free gift of salvation, EVERY sin you have ever committed-from that little white lie to the person you killed, even if it was just with your words- is wiped away. His blood covers every blemish and spot.

This love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. God will NEVER give up on you. It doesn't matter how far we walk away from Him, He will always bring us back to Him if we allow Him to. He protects you from Satan's darts as best as we allow Him to, because HE LOVES YOU. God loves us!

One last thing before I close this post. Today, September 8th, is my sweet Mama's birthday!

Sadly, I don't have a more recent picture of just the two of us together. (Well, we might, but I don't have it....)
This woman is my best friend. She's the world's best encourager and reminder. She is the most incredible person I've ever met, with the patience of a saint (I mean she's put up with me! For almost 19 years!) Happy Birthday Mama! I love you so much, and pray you have the most blessed day you have ever had!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Day 3- Praying with Strings Attached

Women at the 'Wailing Wall' (Western Wall) in Jerusalem

How many time daily, weekly, monthly, do we ask God to take something from us? It may be a wrong or a problem, a stress or a burden. But here's the thing: Do we really give it to God? Time (once again) to be honest.
Do we really mean it when we ask God to take our thing away from us? Do we let go when we say Amen? Or do we pray and then go right back to crying and complaining about what we've just asked Him to take I know I do. All the time. Paul, in the book of Hebrews, tells us that we should come boldly to unto the throne of Grace, that we might receive mercy.

See, when you pray with strings attached and you finish "bringing your problem to God" and you carry on as sad as before, you aren't trusting His power and might. Does it really seem sincere to pray that way? Do you really feel like you're showing God the respect He deserves?
Have we ever stopped and thought about what an insult that is to God? We, in our foolish human pride, make ourselves feel better by praying and then continue in a negative attitude, completely doubting God can do what He says He can do! (Why yes, I am in fact talking to myself. Thank you for noticing.)

I think sometimes we lose sight of who God really is. He reminds us in Psalm 107:20 that He sent out His word, and healed them... 
All He had to do was speak, and they were HEALED!! That same verse goes on to say that God DELIVERED them from their destruction! Isn't that amazing??

God wants to take your burdens. He wants to show you what He can do if you just believe. We just have to let him.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Week 8 of Project Leap of Faith

Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and into HIs courts with praise! Give thanks to Him, and bless His Name! (Psalm 100:4)
Praise the Lord, I have been here 8 weeks! Continual blessings have been poured out, my eyes have been opened, and my heart has been softened. The week I got the e-mail from Mrs. Campbell, if you had told me that I would be where I am spiritually (already!), I would have called you a liar! I love getting to have this constant spiritual encouragement and strengthening, and I want to share it with anyone who will listen.

I'm also VERY excited for this weekend. Come Friday, I will be going to the dear little town of Dayton, TN (just south of Chattanooga) to see my family! 

Back Row: Me (holding baby Emmaline), Papaw Potter, Mamaw Potter, Phillip, CJ, and Will
Front row: Sam, Nicky, Jesse, and Gwendolyn
Taken at CJ's Naval Bootcamp Graduation, June 2015

The reason I'm excited is not because I'll be leaving Primm Springs; rather, quite the opposite. 
I know that I'll be coming back after this weekend, and that's why I'm so excited. I know that it won't be too long before I see my Above Rubies family. I was on the phone with my mom yesterday, and after telling her about my excitement in coming back, I said " It's going to be REALLY hard leaving for real in late September." 
My mom (holding baby Emmaline), CJ, Mamaw and Papaw Potter
(Just assume all of these family pictures were taken at CJ's graduation lol)

CJ, my dad, and Papaw

You know how sometimes we want something that seems to really be in line with God's plan, but He's telling us otherwise? Yeah, it's like that. Like I really want to just stay here, but I know He's calling me home in a couple of weeks. *sigh*
But His ways are higher than our ways! Isn't that an encouraging thought??

The beautiful sunrise I woke up to this morning! I love seeing God's fingerprints!

I would really like to share the encouragement that I found between yesterday and today.
Turn to Isaiah 54:13. 
13All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children. 14In righteousness you shall be established; you shall be far from oppression, for you shall not fear; and from terror, for it shall not come near you. 15If anyone stirs up strife, it is not from me; whoever stirs up strife with you shall fall because of you. 16Behold, I have created the smith who blows the fire of coals and produces a weapon fo rits purpose. I have also created the ravager to destroy; 17No weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall refute every tongue that rises against you in judgement. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their vindication from me, declares the Lord.
While we need to keep these verses in context (read what has to happen before we can receive these protections and blessings, in v. 1-12), it's so encouraging to know that no weapon fashioned against us shall succeed. That can mean hurtful words or cruel plans against us, not just a sword or a gun. If we have repented and allowed God to take over our lives, He is faithful and just to not only forgive us, but also hold us and protect us as we walk through our life! Isn't that exciting??