Yeah, yeah, I know. It is my fault. But you see, I was just so busy all the time, you know, with work and errands...
If this sounds familiar in your spiritual life with Christ, lemme tell you: YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I am the #1 perfect example of this, and in a state of constant humbleness before the Lord.
Because I have a 40 hour work week, plus minimum 10 hours of babysitting (in one week), plus 2 Bible studies totaling 4 hours, plus church services 3 times a week AND Sunday School, plus the total driving time for the week (approx. 3 hours), plus the (at least) 2 hours a week I spend doing chores, PLUS the approximate 49 hours of sleep I get per week, I'm only left with 56 hours for ONE WEEK. Divide it up, and you only have 8 hours per day extra for, you know, whatever. But I just don't have time to spend with God! I just don't!
(I really hope you all caught that sarcasm there....)
Really, all it boils down to is, how are we using our time and our lives to honor God? What extra measures are we going to to show others His love, to share Christ with a stranger? How are we living out what He asks of us?
Surely not in the idle 2 hours we spend trolling Facebook or Pinterest, or the time we spend gossiping about a topic we barely even know about! *Yes I am guilty stop judging sheesh*
Jesus took the time out of His schedule to sit and bless some children (Mark 10:13-16). Why not sit and read with your child? Ignore that pile of laundry for ten minutes. Jesus took time out of His hectic life to explain salvation to Nicodemus (John 3:1-21). Will you quickly end a conversation with someone who is trying to learn more about Christ tomorrow? Dinner can be 15 minutes late. Jesus ignored the judgmental stares and whispers to tell an adulterous woman at a well that she can be forgiven, that it isn't too late for her (John 4:1-26). Your friend calls about a problem as you're about to walk into a meeting? I'm sure that meeting is less important than another person's life.
This week, I encourage you to strive to live life like Christ. Invest your time in your eternity! Walk that extra mile, turn the cheek twice, give others your coat too! Trust me, the joy you receive when we walk the same walk as Jesus is so worth missing out on that Pinterest time.
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