Sunday, October 4, 2015

Day 4- Wanting to Be Someone Else!

It would be lying to say that you’ve never wanted to be someone else. Whether it be their clothes, their hair, their body type, their talent, etc, if we are really honest with ourselves, we will realize that yes, we have wanted to be someone else in some form or fashion.

Ladies and gents, breaking news! God designed YOU for an EXTRAORDINARY purpose, making you EXTRAORDINARILY designed!!!!  That in and of itself makes you amazing!! See, you can never find satisfaction in being like someone else because that’s not who you were designed to be. God created you as an individual, not a cookie cutter model.

Satisfaction with who we are created to be is found in Christ and Christ alone. It is in Him that we find fulfillment when living in His Spirit! It is in Him that we find the gifts, the talents, the abilities He equipped us with to fulfill the purpose God designed for us!
He gave them to us that we might reach out to the deceived, fallen around us!

We have been blessed with a special, unique so that we may be a blessing to others, showing them the love and generosity of Christ. We each need to put our gift to use for God, using them to serve others, and show the world what love looks like!
Betcha didn’t know that you were so incredibly unique that you could change a life just by using what God gave you!
You don’t have to be perfect for God to use you. In fact, a humbled heart is the easiest for Him to use!

Keep on keeping on, dear one! God has incredible plans for you!

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