Thursday, October 1, 2015

Don't Go Back!

Some of you may remember my post titled No Turning Back. This is a reminder post about that very thing!

I've been struggling with returning to my old way of life with a new perspective. Being around all the things of the world is so physically, mentally, and spiritually exhausting, and it can be hard to keep your heart and mind on the things of God.
In Philippians 4:8, Paul says Whatever is true, whatever is pure, whatever is honorable, whatever is juts, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things!

When God brought me to Primm Springs and cleaned my heart of all the dirty things that had infected it, He showed me that now I need to start keeping it clean. The only way to do that is by keeping a guard over our mouths and not letting evil influence our hearts (Psalm 141:3-4). To do that, we must rely fully on God, constantly asking Him for His amazing grace over us moment after moment. God doesn't want us to go back to where He brought you out of!

Let's get personal. When was the last time you were broken over your sin?
When was the last time you got on your knees, your heart breaking because you sinned against God, Who not only created you, but also sent His Son to DIE for you. The One who gave everything for you.
Let me tell you, the last time I did wasn't soon enough ago. Coming to God's feet with a humble spirit and asking for His unfailing grace once more keeps us focused on Him.

It's time to start counting the things as loss that were once a gain. (Philippians 3:7-9) It's time to start walking the walk of a follower of Christ, and giving our all to God.

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