Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Relationships and Guys: A New Perspective

Yesterday, I had a guy give me his number.
Really, I don't see it as a big deal. All I want to know is three things:
Do you have the guts to talk to my dad?
Are you a Bible believing Christian who loves God more than anything?
How serious are you about this possible new relationship?

I've had guys ask for my number or give me theirs so many times, I'm almost used to it. I'm able to handle it a lot better than I could 8 months ago, and usually now it's the same response: It isn't worth it if my dad isn't going to be involved. And that is perfectly fine with me.

See, I'm serious about my relationships, both romantic and friendships. I try to keep in contact as best as I can, and definitely don't want any of them to feel like I'm taking them for granted. I'm more serious about romantic relationships (or rather, the possible romantic relationship; there's a lack thereof currently), because this is my future best friend for life, my defender, my covering before the Lord we are talking about! Why would any girl, ESPECIALLY a Christian girl, settle for some wimp that doesn't even care about God, let alone you??

I feel like when looking for the one, you first have to seek out The One. Your Creator, the One who knew you before you were even conceived. When you have your sights set so deep in God, you won't need to search for love. He will show you the ultimate Love.

Another thing about the opposite gender is that we often confuse attractiveness with attraction. There is a HUGE difference between the two, and so many don't realize it. The definitions are as follows:

Attractive- Pleasing or appealing to the senses; appealing to the senses.
Attract(ed)- To draw by appeal to natural/excited interest, emotion, and aesthetic sense.

So when we find a guy attractive, we look at the outward appearance. Maybe he has a cute smile, or that haircut just really suits him well. But when we are attracted to a guy, we are drawn to him for a deeper reason, through emotion and interest. 

Don't get me wrong, it would be nice to have a relationship right now, especially since that's all it seems my relatives are waiting for.
But on the same token, I cherish my purity and the fact that I know that God has a perfect plan for my life. I know that now is the time to be treasuring the time I get to spend just me and God, unshared spiritual time (yes, it's selfish, no, I don't care) that I'll never have back. Also, it provides an opportunity for others to see that sometimes, God truly is enough. And as long as God is enough, that is enough for me.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Where Are You?

December 3: Where are you? 
Read: Genesis 3:1-21
We’re only two chapters in, and the whole story falls apart. Perhaps this is the saddest story in all the Bible. It is the part of our history referred to as The Fall — when we swallowed the fruit of sin and stumbled away from God. Tempted by that snake flashing scales of deception, Adam and Eve ate of the tree God had forbidden. They drew up fig leaves to hide their shame. And they knelt low to hide from God. And then it came, the gentle walking of God, the Voice that spoke the cosmos to life, He now calls to us, a whisper in the wind: Where are you?
Reflect:  What would you say if God called out to you now: “Where are you?”  What does it mean to you that God seeks you out and finds you when you are far from Him?
Pray: Lord Jesus, “The Fall” says it all, our life in two words. But You have so much more to write in our story — for You wrote Jesus into our story, who keeps whispering to us all of Advent — “Where are you? Please let Me come to you…”

As I was reading this devotional from, I was listening to Jeremy Camp’s Here I Am (I love to listen to worship music while studying). I got to the Reflect section, and as I read the words “Where are you?”, Jeremy sings “Here I Am”.
I just sat back in my chair in awe, as I had just prayed only an hour before that God would just reveal Himself to me, even if it was just in a small, subtle way. The fact that the Creator of all things would listen to me is mind blowing; the fact that He will answer, especially so quickly, is beyond humbling.

So, where are we standing right now? Not physically; I don’t mean standing in line for coffee, or sitting on the couch in the living room, or taking a quick break from work. I mean Spiritually, with Christ. 

Where are you standing?

Are you in the shadow of His cross? Are you walking so close to Him that the world has a hard time bearing your joy that comes only from God? Are you trying to be that close to Him?
These are all questions that I am desperately searching answers for. I am constantly checking myself, ever so critically.
Sadly, that’s not a good thing.
I have starting relying on what I can do, rather than on what God can do through me.
So, how do we change this mindset?

We have to *once again* die to self. We have to *once again* let go, and give our lives back over to Christ. We have to *once again* break down the walls of pride and allow our hearts to be softened by the everlasting love of Jesus Christ, and let Him show us where He wants us.
This isn’t a one-day thing; this is a daily battle. But remember! We can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us. We can have victory, because He first had victory.

Are you struggling with secret pride and fear of not being a ‘good enough’ Christian? Tell me how you are fighting a winning battle in the comments! I LOVE hearing about how the Lord is working in your life!